Admission Procedure



Application Forms and Prospectus will be issued immediately after the announcement of the class X Board Examination Results .Each application must be accompanied by :

  1. A self attested xerox copy of the Marksheet of the last examination passed; and,

  2. A recent passport size photograph of the student in school uniform (last school attended) .

When a student is admitted, then (s) he must submit the admission form along with:

  1. A testimonial of character from the Principal of the school last attended.

  2. The Original Transfer Certificate from the school last attended.

  3. A recent passport size photograph of the student

  4. A self attested xerox copy of Marksheet and admit card of the last examination passed.

In the case of students from educational boards other than MBOSE, the migration certificate in Original must be furnished to the Office not later than ONE month from the date of admission. The Original Mark sheet is NOT to be submitted to the Office under any circumstances. The school reserves the right to refuse an applicant's admission without assigning any reasons. When an admission is granted, the admission form, completed in all respects must be deposited in the School Office along with the prescribed fees within 24 hours; otherwise the admission will stand cancelled. Application forms submitted without all the required documents will be summarily rejected. In case of withdrawal of admission, fees once paid shall not be refunded.

online admission can be obtained via link "" OR by clicking the link "online Admission" present on the menu bar of the home page of school website



The School offers courses in Science and Commerce. The duration of Higher Secondary Courses is TWO years. The Examination for both Class XI and Class XII are conducted by Meghalaya Board of School Education. Class XI students who have passed will move on to Class XII after the Class XI Promotion Examination result was declared. After completion of Class XI, students who wish to carry on in this school for their class XII course will have to register their names with the office in the prescribed form available for the purpose. Admission may be given to students from other institutions in Class XII but only if they have passed the Class XI Promotion Examination subject to availability of seat(s).



The fees for the Higher Secondary sections must be deposited in the CANARA BANK. The first installment must be deposited at the time of admission and the remaining installments will be notified to the students in due course of time. The fees must be paid before the last date failing which the fine will be charged.

AC/NO.: 2347101001905
IFSC: CNRB0002347


The School conducts regular tests during the terms. These tests are conducted to ascertain consistent academic performance of the students. These tests ease the pressure of the students as well as ensure whether they are prepared for the Board Examinations. Report Cards are given periodically. Parents are urged to check these report cards. The marks obtained in these tests are taken into consideration at the time of Selection for the Board Examinations.


A minimum of 80% attendance is required for students qualifying to send up for the Board Examination. A student having less than requisite attendance is liable to be debarred from the Board Examination. Parents are requested to help us by checking with the School office from time to time regarding the attendance of their wards.

Any student absent for ONE Month without the prior permission will have his/her name removed from the School Register.

Students are requested to be present on time for all class days.

Each student must have a school diary and a school identity card. They are to be brought everyday and produced when asked for.


(1) The availability of application forms for different classes are displayed in the School's notice board.
(2) The admission forms are sold out at nominate rate and completed application forms are received along with relevant documents. After verifying the application form and documents , students are given admission.


The fees must be deposited in the School Office. The first installment to be paid at the time of reopening the school after winter vacation and the rest monthly / quarterly.


The School conducts regular tests/Exam during the Session. These tests are conducted to ascertain consistent academic performance of the students. These tests ease the pressure of the students as well as ensure whether they are prepared for the next higher classes / Board Examinations. Report Cards are given periodically. Parents are urged to check these report cards.


A minimum of 80% attendance is required. A student having less than requisite attendance is liable to be debarred from appearing the Annual / Board Examination. Parents are requested to help us by checking with the School office from time to time regarding the attendance of their wards.

Any student absent for ONE Month without the prior permission will have his/her name removed from the School Register.

Students are requested to be present on time for all class days.

Each student must have a school diary and a school identity card. They are to be brought everyday and produced when asked for.